Brand new logo


Älta IF’s color palette is simple, bold and flexible. Its strength is its simplicity. The overall impression for Älta IF is yellow, black and white.

The color yellow in the emblem symbolizes sunshine and joy. White stands for community. Black stands for strength and security. Gold symbolizes permanence and success.


Pantone 123C
C0 M24 Y86 K0


Pantone Black C
C40 M30 Y30 K100


C0 M0 Y0 K0


C33 M37 Y65 K19


Unique Font

A new font that is strong and easy to use was created, Alta Sans Serif. The font is an important part of the brand’s identity and recognition. The font is only in capitals and should be used large and powerful.


Nicklas is a dedicated member of Älta IF, contributing to the project of developing the club's logo and graphic style. His professional skills and role as the main responsible person in the brand group show his commitment to the project.

Mia MoisanderOffice, Älta IF

It was really fun getting to Nicklas during the project. The design ended up being twice as good as I could have ever envisioned!

Sonja von LochowClient Director/Marketing and Communications, Kantar Public

ÄLTA IF starts its 80th anniversary by renewing its club brand. With its roots in the shield that was drawn in connection with the club’s birth in 1941, an evolved and modernized club emblem is presented ahead of the 2022 season.